Change can be a good thing, or a bad thing, but it is always a thing.
For years, decades even, I have been building, rebuilding and maintaining my own website, as well helping others with theirs. I've used a variety of platforms for my clients, but I always did my own website old school. It was satisfying, if rather time consuming.
When I decided I didn't have time to maintain a blog and a website, I decided to drop the blog because I had the website longer. Sure, change is inevitable, but that doesn't mean I won't try to resist it. If you got here via, you'll know that I finally gave in to the practical.
Some changes you don't get to choose. Given a choice, my friend and publisher Cheryl Tardif would have been able to keep Imajin Books going forever. Her health dictated otherwise. She is easing out of the business, encouraging her authors to ease on into it, at least to keep our already published books out there. As a result, I've joined forces with long time friend and fellow/former Imajin author Melodie Campbell in a cooperative publishing venture.
Since the blog is not going on hiatus, please subscribe (if you haven't already). Go and subscribe to Deadly Press too, so you can get updates on our adventures in publishing.
Mind you, I've been a publisher before...not that it helps much. When I was a partner in Women's Work in the late nineties, our books were printed on a press that was as big as my living room. Digital printing was either expensive or looked cheap, ebooks were not an option. I didn't even have a cell phone back then, let alone one with a e-reading app.
What changes have you seen since the beginning of your career?