... and the living is hectic?
Every August, as the middle of the month flies by, I ask the same question: Where did the summer go?
When I was a kid enjoying summer holidays, I couldn't have answered that question. Oh sure, we went to visit family in Montreal and they came and visited us, but surely that didn't take all summer. Maybe we went to Stratford for a play - back when ordinary people could afford to do that sort of thing. But many days seems to drag by without the structure of school to define them. Then suddenly, the endless days of summer would end and I'd wonder where they went.
I know my kids feel it. My son is looking forward to going back to school and seeing his friends. My daughter used to feel that way. Now, her reaction to Labour Day mirrors my own when I was at high school. (YIKES! Say it isn't so.)
I can't say I'm in a hurry for school to start either. One of my jobs is crossing guard which means, like my kids, I go back to school the day after Labour Day. Besides, I love having my kids around. I miss them when they go back to school. When they go, my best excuse for goofing off during the day goes too.
Not that there was a lot of goofing off this summer. That is, when I goofed off one day, I'd have to make up for it the next. That's the upside of working from home - being able to take the day. The downside is the workload waiting for me when I take a few days off - as I did to visit my uncle in Ottawa. There's no one to take over my job when I'm on holiday.
Of course, as the blog title says, "have laptop, will travel." As long as there is WiFi, I can keep up with the stuff I can't leave. The trick is to only let it take up a small fraction of the day. Got to leave the rest of the day for beach trips, picnics, ferry rides, museum visits, and watching your son crash two aircraft in a simulator (pictured above).
Okay, I know where the summer went. It went to two beach days; five days in Ottawa; several days, spread out, visiting closer friends and relations; getting one book ready for publication; starting on the edits for another; contract work; getting Arthur Ellis Awards material prepared and the usual Crime Writer's of Canada work.
And these were my slow months.

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