By the time the sun was visible on the horizon, they were on their way. Though she was sore in places she didn't like to mention, riding that early had its benefits. The landscape was beautiful in the dawn light. Later in the day, the sun would bleach the color out of the scenery. For now, everything was vibrant and the scent of sage wafted on the breeze.
Ahead of them lay the Sacramento mountain range. Around them, the plateau was so flat Marly could see the dust of riders far in the distance.
Under A Texas Star
Over on the National Crime Writing Blog, the current topic is the weather. Weather in a novel is like background music in a movie. It acts as a mirror or counterpoint to the action. Extreme weather can also be a plot point. Or, as in in the excerpt above, it can be set dressing - giving the reader a sense of time and place.
Speaking of the weather, our three-day forecast (Oct 22-24/2012) for Under A Texas Star is sunny and FREE on Kindle.

When Marly Landers is fooled by con man Charlie Meese, she's determined to bring him to justice--even if it means dressing up as a boy and setting off across the plains to find him.
Texas Ranger Jase Strachan is also after Meese, for crimes committed in Texas. He joins forces with the young boy in a journey that takes them to Fortuna, where a murder interrupts their mission. Jase is duty bound to find the killer, no matter the cost.
Under the Texas stars, Marly and Jase are drawn together by circumstances beyond their control, yet fate plots to tear them apart. Will Marly finally get her man?
"Marly Landers, in Under a Texas Star is a tough as nails, smart as a tack young woman who shines brightly with her grit and compassion. She is the type of character you want to continue reading about even after the story ends."
Wendy E. Thomas, Allbooks Reviews